The May 6 launch of Solace in So Many Words was great—a packed bookstore (SRO), an intent audience, and wonderful readings by nine contributors.
Susan Spaeth Cherry read “Predictabilities,” Barry Silesky read “Music Lesson,” Kathleen Kirk read the prose poem in “Postponing a Response to the Fact of Mortality,” and “Heartbreak House,” D. J. Lachance read “Nagasaki Shadows,” Lisa Liken read “Winter in Bosnia,” Aloka Kamicheril read her father Jayant Kamiceril’s “Waiting,” Joan Corwin read “Details,” Pat Rahmann read “Last Trip Together,” and Patti Wojcik Wahlberg read “Breathe.”
It was great to end the readings with Patti’s last lines:
“breathe out the uncertain darkness,/breathe in the earthly dawn.”
Other contributors in the audience were J. Scott Smith, Paula W. Peterson and Pamela Miller. Also attending were Bill Scheurer, publisher at Hourglass Books, Bob Feie of Feie Design, and Joanne Hurley of Hurley Stanners–all worked on the the book. Our thanks to Women and Children First and Reza’s Restaurant.

Lovely to see some faces of “Solace.”
Thanks Donna! Can’t wait until we do a Cali reading so I can meet you.