Untitled Anon, before 1530 Western wind, when wilt thou blow The small rain down can rain. Christ, if my lover were in my arms, And I in my bed again. The poem seemed familiar as I read it again, at the suggestion of Hilary Mantel (the English novelist, short story writer and critic, who in 2009, won the Man Booker Prize for her novel Wolf Hall). She offered this anonymous poem as her answer to The Guardian UK’s question: What is your … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2012
Contributor update: Kirk, Hilbert, McConnell, Powers and more
Before I head off to downtown Chicago to the Bookfair of the AWP (Table C6 ), I'd like to give a wrap-up of some of the wonderful things the wonderful contributors to Solace in So Many Words have been up to lately. Kathleen Kirk ("The Solace of Reading: How to Survive Hormonal and Spiritual Upheavals of Midlife," "Postoponing a Response to the Fact of Mortality" and "The Heartbreak House") has a new chapbook! It is called "Nocturnes" and is hot off the presses of Hyacinth … [Read more...]
Celebrate Poetry Month with us at Book Stall in Winnetka
I went to a reading of "A Light Breakfast" a unique collection that is edited by Arlyn Miller and features a sackful of great poems including ones by Solace in So Many Words contributor Carol N. Kanter ("Her Best Medicine," "Alternative Eulogy," "The Advanced Course"). I was lucky enough to meet with Roberta Rubin, owner of The Book Stall (and friend to books, readers and small presses) and I just so happened to have a copy of Solace in So Many Words to show her. So, … [Read more...]
Laissez les bons temps rouler — AWP here we come!
Weighed Words is super excited to be going to the Associated Writing Programs Conference and Bookfair February 29 to March 3 at the Chicago Hilton and Palmer House, and we hope you will stop by. Our table is C6 and we are sharing it with Hyacinth Girl Press and Arsenic Lobster Journal. The keynote address will be given by Margaret Atwood. Another presentation we are stoked to see features U. S. Poet Laureate Philip Levine (who contributed to Solace in So Many Words) and … [Read more...]