Happy Autumn! Big congrats to Solace in So Many Words contributor Joe Meno who has a new book (his ninth). It's called Marvel and A Wonder (from Akashic Books). It's gotten great reviews from various readers, from MTV News to Library Journal. Booklist gave it a starred review: “Evoking William Faulkner and Cormac McCarthy, Meno’s suspenseful, mordantly incisive, many-layered tale can also be read as an equine Moby-Dick. As he tracks the bewildering seismic shifts under … [Read more...]
Summer reading (or what contributors are up to)
Looking for something to read this summer? Everyone--Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist-- is excited about Solace in So Many Words contributor Joe Meno's new novel Office Girl. Published by Akashic Books, it is due out July 3. Ann McNeal ("Faith") has a new book too. Published by Nuthatch Press, it is called The Spaces Between. BTW, if you have attended a reading of Solace in So Many Words, chances are you have heard me read "Faith." The poem sums up a lot of my … [Read more...]