If your holiday activities don't overrun your schedule, consider these local calls for submissions. C. J. Laity of ChicagoPoetry.com is doing another anthology: JOMP 19: Poetry of Protest. Here are the details. Deadline is 2/28/16. Measure, Cleave, Silver -- these are the three elements needed in your submissions to be considered for the Spring issue (#10) of 3Elements Review. Submission guidelines are here. Whitney Scott's Outrider Press in affiliation with … [Read more...]
I Google my name
I Google my name and come up with yours--the exact reverse. I think what if we went to school together, what confusion there’d be at roll call. Ellen, Wade. Wade, Ellen. But you’re older, a ‘51 baby, a country boy from Rocky Mount, North Carolina. And you’re dead, killed in action in 1972, when the chopper you’re co-piloting on a rescue mission is hit by enemy fire and crashes into a small island on the Dak Poko … [Read more...]
The Chicago lit scene rocks!
The Pop-Up Bookfair was Sunday at The Empty Bottle and it was a lot of fun. I've been singing the praises of Curbside Splendor Press and will continue to do so. Not only does Curbside have a great catalog, but it has amped up the lit scene in Chicago. Hosting various readings and events, like the Pop-Up Bookfair, Curbside has livened things up and been generous and supportive of all Chicago presses. And one of the great things is that Victor David Giron and Jacob Knabb … [Read more...]
Submit, submit, submit
Today’s post is all about submissions. I’ve received three emails recently that may be of interest. The first news is from C. J. Laity of Chicago Poetry Press, which is pleased to announce its intention to publish Journal of Modern Poetry, Volume 15 (JOMP 15), to be released in the spring of 2013. Those selected for inclusion in the upcoming Journal of Modern Poetry 15 publication will have a chance at a featured spot to read the selected poem on the main stage of the … [Read more...]