Hello there. Hope you have a bowlful of your favorite candy ready for the trick-and-treaters, and that you have plenty of leftovers, which you can then eat yourself when Halloween is over. Sugar high for everyone! Woo-hoo. Big congrats are in order. Solace in So Many Words contributor Joan Corwin is the winner of the 2017 Tom Howard/ John H. Reid Fiction Prize for her story “Length of Days.” You can read it here. Two members of my writing group (The Writers) have new … [Read more...]
Short story collection giveaway–you could win!
I will get better at posting every day. Lately the blog has been taking a backseat to my other duties as publisher, like working on the e-book and planning the launch and readings of Solace in So Many Words. But I can be remiss no longer, and I will now update the information on The Collection Giveaway contest, and since I missed about twenty posts, I will give you twenty reasons that show short stories are the bomb. Here's the skinny: Weighed Words is celebrating May as … [Read more...]