Well, after the crowds and action of AWP, I am back in my basement office, only now I have new friends and new books to read and discover. But I'll save that list of new friends and new books for a later blog, and tell you today about the top highlights of the conference. One highlight was meeting Susan Yount and Margaret Bashaar who were my tablemates. Have you heard of Arsenic Lobster Poetry? If not, look it up. And I am not the only who thinks you should. The journal … [Read more...]
Contributor update: Kirk, Hilbert, McConnell, Powers and more
Before I head off to downtown Chicago to the Bookfair of the AWP (Table C6 ), I'd like to give a wrap-up of some of the wonderful things the wonderful contributors to Solace in So Many Words have been up to lately. Kathleen Kirk ("The Solace of Reading: How to Survive Hormonal and Spiritual Upheavals of Midlife," "Postoponing a Response to the Fact of Mortality" and "The Heartbreak House") has a new chapbook! It is called "Nocturnes" and is hot off the presses of Hyacinth … [Read more...]