Here’s where my literary curiosity has taken me lately. First, I’ve been reading some of the Lord Peter Whimsey books Dorothy L. Sayers. They’re like delicious candy but then amongst the sweet something sour and bitter surfaces, and that is the racial and religious epithets used in those days (1920s and 1930s). In one way I think it’s great we don’t use those words any more, but then I remember the Redskins. The new U.S. Poet Laureate, Charles Wright did an interview … [Read more...]
This, that, and the other
Happy spring, happy Poetry Month, happy everything. A post on Harriet’s poetry blog on the Poetry Foundation site has been circulating through the waves of the Internet. It’s the one written recently by Camille Rankin and titled "Do What You Do, Love What You Love.” The post talks about how there is no money in poetry and how most poets have to have another kind of work for income. But as Camille Rankine works out her logic on the value and poetry and the value of … [Read more...]