Hey all. Can July speed by any faster? Here’s what I got for you. Check out Kathleen Kirk’s review of Dave Bonta’s book of poems called Ice Mountain on Escape Into Life. I bet you’ll want to read more of Dave Bonta’s work and the archive of Escape into Life. As you know, Kathleen Kirk is a SISMW contributor. Way back in October 2012 Dave Bonta’s poem “Ode to Scythes” was published here. Creativity is curative. Read Mark Brown’s "Arts can help recovery from illness and … [Read more...]
Contributor updates and new submission leads
Peace and love to you all. I usually wish this to you at the end of every post but today I want to extend it to you first thing. I have nothing smart or new or world-changing to say about current events so I'll just repeat myself: Peace and love to all. I heard from Kathy Donahoo last week. She lives in California now. She's had two pieces of fiction recently placed. "Joey" a short story appears in Water-Stone Review (Volume 18, 2015), which has the theme: All We Cannot … [Read more...]
Writing & submission info
Hey there -- howdy do. I know it's been more than a week since I last checked in. Happy November! November is a month when we are not supposed to shave but we are supposed to write a ton. I am sure you have heard of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Here's a pithy article with pointers on how to be most productive. It's by M.G. Leonards and titled: "How to write a book --top tips for National Novel Writing Month" and it appears in the November 3 issue of The … [Read more...]
Much I don’t about Franzen
I give up. I spent the past few days trying to write a blog that was witty and timely. I wanted it to be smart like an essay by Roxane Gay. I hoped to get my thoughts together about the fuss over “Jonathan Franzen: What’s Wrong With the Modern World,” which appeared in The Guardian on Friday, September 13. The piece named names (Jennifer Weiner, Salman Rushdie, Jeff Bezos) and was as juicy as a reality TV show, with responses by Jennifer Weiner and Nathan … [Read more...]