Other Beautiful Things
the mist green color of melting snow
the bronze yellow of hay overdone
the inside pink of a primrose
the white heart of a morning glory
the light that beams within
the caramel color of my dog’s eyes
as the morning light shines through them
the almost amber color of strong tea
or malt whiskey
the abalone shine inside a shell
the amber light on the trees
two evenings ago, first evening
of daylight savings time,
though it never saved you,
but maybe all these colors
will; meanwhile, I’ll hold
onto them for you
so neither of us will forget.
© Laura Rodley
Laura Rodley is a freelance journalist and photographer. She has two chapbooks, Rappelling Blue Light (which was nominated for a Massachusetts Book Award) and Your Left Front Wheel is Coming Loose (which was nominated for Pen New England L. L. Winshop Award and a Massachusetts Book Award); both are from Finishing Line Press. Her work also has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of Net. I first read Laura’s poems “Bearings” in Kiss Me Goodnight, and I have been a fan ever since. She writes that she loves all wildlife and the ocean.
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