In 1984 Scott Colborn developed and began to host the Exploring Unexplained Phenomena radio show. The program became a reality largely due to his long-time interest in all things paranormal–which can be traced back to his childhood. Over the years, he has interviewed hundreds of guests covering a wide range of topics including extraterrestrials, big foot, spirituality, and ghosts . . . to name just a few. He recently interviewed Carol Brody Fleet about her book on widowhood, Happily Even After.
Last Saturday (July 28, 2012), Scott talked with me about Solace in So Many Words. Apparently he got a copy of the book and was taken with Joe Meno’s story “A Strange Episode of Aqua Voyage.” During my hour+ time on the air, Scott let me talk about the book and how it came to be, its contributors (specifically T. C. Boyle, Philip Levine, Antler, Joe Meno, Joan Corwin, J. Scott Smith) and read works by D. J. Lachance, Ann McNeal and Margarita Engle.
The program is recorded in the studios of KZUM Radio, 89.3 FM in Lincoln, Nebraska. It is archived and available for listening or downloading on this site.
You can also listen here:
I had a nice time talking with Scott, and I thank him for giving me the time and attention. I knew that we’d have a good conversation because in an initial email, he ended with this quote (which I am going to use as a Slice of Solace):
“The one true freedom in life is to come to terms with death, and as early as possible, for death is an event that embraces all our lives. And the only way to have a good death is to lead a good life. Lead a good one, full of curiosity, generosity, and compassion, and there’s no need at the close of the day to rage against the dying of the light. We can go gentle into that good night.”
William Sloane Coffin, Credo
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