It’s a quiet weekend here and a perfect time to post.
Did you read The New Yorker (Feb 11 & 18 issue)? Philip Levine has a poem “In Another Country” and when I say it’s dreamy, I mean it literally. In this other country, “. . . There is no town, only / fields of long grass blowing in the wind / and beyond the wind the gray mountains.” It ends, “. . . . The wind kept prodding / at my back as though determined / to push me away from where I was, / fearful, perhaps, I would come to rest.” It’s a must-read. I picture the landscape to be much like that described by Phil in “Walking in Alicante,” which is in Solace in So Many Words.
Donna Hilbert recently attended the San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival and posted on FB a picture of her latest book, The Congress of Luminous Bodies, which will be out soon from Aortic Books. I’ll write more about this in a later post. If you’d like to read an interview with Donna, she was “The Next Big Thing” and discussed the book and other topics with Lorene Delaney-Ullman, author of the poetry collection Camouflage on Goodreads. While I was looking up information on Donna, I came across the touching poem called “Where It Happened,” which appeared in Silver Birch Press last September. I can’t remember if I already mentioned it, but the poem, one that describes a seaside experience, is worth citing again. One more thing, “From a Rhizome” by Donna appears on Your Daily Poem –it is a good “waiting for spring” poem.
The inaugural issue of the new journal for the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography just came out. Jason Pettus launched the CCLaP Journal February 19. Eclectic, funny and smart, the journal features all types of writing and photography.
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