As you may remember, Amy L. Dengler, a contributor to Solace in So Many Words, passed away, and her poetry pals have started a contest in her memory. Here are the details.
Amy Dengler Memorial Poetry Contest
Wordcrafters, a Chapter of M.S.P.S., Inc. invites poets to enter its annual poetry contest in memory of Amy L. Dengler, accomplished poet of the North Shore writing community.
- The contest is open to all adults.
- Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners ($50/$20/$10).
- Contestants may enter any number of poems at $3 per poem, but only one poem will be eligible for a prize.
- Entries must be the original work of the poet.
- Poems are limited to 40 lines total.
- Subject and poetry form are poet’s choice.
- Poems entered must be unpublished and not currently entered in any other contest.
- Only poems that have not won a prize may be entered.
- All poems must be titled.
- Poems must be typed on 8-1/2″ x 11″ white paper – No illustrations.
- Send one original (with no name), and one copy with poet’s name, address and email address in upper RIGHT-HAND corner (of DUPLICATE ONLY).
- No poems will be returned. All non-winning poems will be destroyed after the contest.
- The deadline for the contest is May 15.
Make entry fees payable to: Amy Dengler Fund
Mail all entries and fees to: Roberta Hung, Contest Chair, 8 Dundee Street, Salem, MA 01970
For inquiries, please email: robette02 at
Amy’s poem ” Portuguese Sweetbread” was one of my favorite poems in “Solace.”