I just made my payment to exhibit this Sunday at the Chicago Book Expo and I encourage you all to come, not necessarily to buy Solace in So Many Words (though I won’t discourage that) but to see all the great events planned. Plus the venue is cool; it’s a site from Chicago’s Hollywood Days.
Here are the facts:
When: Sunday, November 24, from 11-5
Where: St. Augustine College, 1345 W. Argyle, Chicago, which was once the site of Charlie Chaplin’s historic Essanay Studio
What: More than 40 vendors will be on hand as well as many individual authors and literary associations.
Additionally, there is a full program of events. Highlights include: Aleksander Hemon (The Book of My Lives) speaking at 4 pm; Curbside Splendor authors such as Samantha Irby; Bill Savage and Paul Durica talking about the 1893 World’s Fair; Tribune theater critic Chris Jones speaking on the Chicago Theater and its history; local poet and musician Larry O. Dean; and the release of C. J. Laity’s Journal of Modern Poetry (JOMP 16).
There are also a pre-event Thursday, 11/21, in which Robert Rehak talks and reads from his new book on Uptown and an after-party at Fat Cat, 4540 N. Broadway. Visit the Chicago Book Expo website for all the latest details.
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