April 15 is the day to file your taxes in the US. Every year I vow to be more prepared so I am not looking for documents at the last minute or having to make a run to the accountant. But guess what? I never change and I am always somewhat frantic.
The same with spring. Each year I pray for it, invoke it, ask that I be delivered from winter, and every time it arrives, I am somehow not quite ready for it. I grumble a bit being awakened from that long winter’s nap.
SISMW contributors you may want to read include Massachusetts poet Kathleen Aguero whose poem “Jewel Box” appears on the Mass Poet site — read it here.
Oregon writer and designer Ryan W. Bradley interviewed T. C. Boyle about his latest book, The Harder They Come, for Electric Lit—read “Ultimate Truths: a conversation with T. C. Boyle” here.
Check out the guest post today. It is a poem recently submitted by Bonnie J. Toomey. If you have something you’d like to share here, please send it to me, weighedword at gmail.com.
Wishing you a big fat refund and something big and juicy to read.
Peace, love, and solace
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