This won’t be a long post because I don’t have much to report. The news is dismal because there has been another mass shooting.
I concur with today’s Chicago Tribune editorial, “How to help prevent the next gun massacre,” which concludes:
“Each mass shooting in America is its own terrible story that can’t be undone. The responsible perspective is to use the shock of the moment to take actions that will save lives in the future.”
If the world has gotten you down, you might do well to read Patty Somlo’s terrific article in Writing and Wellness; it’s titled “Why Writers Feel Depressed and How to Deal.”
Congrats are extended to J. Scott Smith whose novel Confession was a finalist in the 2017 William Faulkner – William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition.
I have a poem “September can be vibrant” in the latest issue of Foliate Oak Literary Magazine.
I continue to recommend writers follow The Practicing Writer and Monday Markets, which are both put out by Erika Dreifus. They often provide valuable information. For instance, did you know The New Yorker is looking for poetry?
We’re a week into NaNoWriMo; have you been participating? Or, maybe like me, you have promised yourself to knuckle down and write.
Whatever you’re writing or reading or doing, I wish you well. Be good to yourself and others.
Peace, love, and solace
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