It has come to my attention that I gave out the incorrect address for our reading — The Book Stall’s address is 811 Elm Street. Here is the corrected announcment:
Celebrate Poetry Month with Solace!
April 10, 2012, Tuesday at 7:30
The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, 811 Elm Street, Winnetka 847-446-8880
There are more than 50 poems in Solace in So Many Words by poets like Antler, Philip Levine, Ellen Bass . . .so, please join editor Ellen Wade Beals and contributorsJoan Corwin, Carol Kanter, Pamela Miller, J. Scott Smith, Kathleene Donahoo, and D. J. Lachance and others as they read their own work and celebrate the outstanding poems in this inspired anthology.
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