T. C. Boyle’s fourteenth novel was published in September by Viking. It is called San Miguel and on his blog, the author describes it this way: “It is set on the island of the same name, the most northern and westerly of the California Channel Islands, and the story it tells derives from my research into the ecology and history of the region for my previous novel, When the Killing’s Done. . . . This is my first book-length narrative in the conventional realist mode, sans irony or postmodernist sleight of hand, a very different approach from that of earlier books like The Women, Water Music, The Road to Wellville and World’s End.” Want to learn more about the book and read an excerpt? Check out T. C.’s blog.
In my last post I mentioned that Wally Swist’s new book Huang Po and Dimensions of Love is out from Southern Illinois University Press. The title poem was just featured on Poetry Daily (Tuesday, September 25). It is a stunner. BTW, Poetry Daily is a great way to keep up with a steady diet of nutritional verse.
Susan Mahan has two poems in Littlest Blessings, an anthology about children from Whispering Angel Books. Susan’s poems are “Erin’s Busy Day” and “Good vs Evil” and are written about her grandchildren.
Carol Kanter has collaborated once again with her husband Arnie Kanter to create a beautiful book of poems and photography on their trips to India, Bhutan and Nepal. It is called Where the Sacred Dwells: Namaste. Available from DualArtsPress. They have graciously allowed me to use a poem and photos from the book as a guest blog and Glimpse of Solace. Maybe these will whet your appetite to take in more. Thanks to the Kanters for sharing.
Finally if you like anthologies, several new ones are out and they each have garnered great reviews. One is The Beautiful Anthology, a collection of essays poetry and art edited by Elizabeth Collins and published by TNB Books (the publishing arm of The Nervous Breakdown). Another is A Face to Meet the Faces, An Anthology of Contemporary Persona Poetry, edited by Stacey Lynn Brown and Oliver de la Paz and published by University of Akron Press. Finally, to celebrate the centennial of Poetry magazine, editors Don Share and Christian Wiman combed through the archives to create a new kind of anthology, The Open Door: 100 Poems, 100 Years of Poetry Magazine. As is explained on the Poetry Foundation website: “Rather than attempting to be exhaustive or definitive, they have assembled a collection of poems that, in their juxtaposition, echo across a century of poetry.” Maybe you want to check these out.
Happy Reading and Writing.
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