Home has been undergoing some changes lately. And by home, I mean my literal home and not the “home” page on this website. I am still happy with my home on the web, it’s just been ignored lately as I have been doing some remodeling projects at my home base. When I was planning this construction I imagined myself tethered to my house but productive, you know, writing and working as lines were plumbed, tiles set and counter tops installed. But that’s not the case. I have been thrown totally off schedule.
I’ve staked out a quiet corner but haven’t gotten much accomplished other than reading and playing some #hash tag games on Twitter. But contributors to Solace in So Many Words have not been slackers, and I’ll give you links and info in the next posting.
I recently received a submission to the next volume on solace, so I want to repeat that I have put the project on hold. I’ll let you know when I start in on the next book.
Please send to me only those submissions you’d like to see published on this site. But do send to the site because I am always looking to publish great writing (as a guest blog) and it is a way for writers to get more mileage from a previously published piece or to place a beloved piece that never found a home.
I am also always on the lookout for poignant or inspiring quotes (Slice of Solace) and illustrations (photographs and artwork) for the Glimpse of Solace feature on this site.
So if you are reading this, you may want to consider sending something.
Okay, that’s it for now. I think I hear some one at the door. . .
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