More Snow
The snow, the snow, the silent snow
Comes down & piles up all around
In seamless drifts & (as we go)
Covers up every inch of ground.
It dances lightly in the air
& weaves & wavers as it falls.
Softly alighting here & there
It drapes the trees in lacy shawls
Till all that’s left for miles to view
Are pallid prospects, greying skies
& scenes of such a nameless hue
They act like anodyne on the eyes.
Grey interwoven into grey
& grey in grey: devoid of sting,
Who would have thought that so much grey
Could such sure consolation bring?
Wrapped in such glory hour by hour
We might in time forget our woes
& like a buttoned down explorer
Lose ourselves gladly in the snows.
Daniel Cleary © 2014
Daniel Cleary is a painter and poet from Chicago. His poem “Fireside” appeared here December 5, 2014. If you follow Daniel Cleary on Facebook, you’ll know that he often posts poems. When I asked him what’d he’d like to add to his bio, he had this to say: “I have a great desire to get a book out this year. I have two possible titles: one “A Few Stray Leaves” and the other, “A Voice from the Hills” In the meantime, I have at least three manuscripts sitting in my computer: “Agonies” “A Hill in Sunlight” and “Bugles and Buttercups.” Here’s hoping a poetry publisher reads this.
Daniel Cleary was born in Tipperary Town, Ireland and grew up there, and lived for a few years in London, England, before moving to Chicago in 1968. His first passion was painting, but he always loved poetry; “though I never considered myself a writer.” He has two books: The Green Ribbon (Wyndham Hall Press) and Elegy for James Gerard and Other Poems for the Larger Voice (Fractal Edge Press). If you’d like to see Daniel’s paintings, check out his website.
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