Happy June 29th –hope your summer is going well so far. Here in Chicago I know it’s summer because the weeds are taking off and the skeeters are back. And it’s the season of the Cancer birthdays. Meanwhile this must be a bumper crop year for the cottonwood trees because the infernal cotton is still blowing around.
My friend Rochelle Distelheim (whose story “The Kiss-Me-Quick” appeared here in January) has a story “Talking About the Tango” posted June 25, 2014 in Ascent, which is out of Concordia College in Moorhead, MN.
Rhino is open for submissions until August 31.
Kevin Nance has the cover story “How I Found My Agent: Ten Authors on Meeting the One” in the latest (July/August) issue Poets & Writers.
Recently I found out about a digital magazine that started this year–it’s called Control, the tagline for which is “Bringing you a new and diverse range of art and literature.” Submissions are sought.
Last night I was catching up on Twitter and realized there had been a big to-do of which I was totally unaware. It’s a long story. Miles Klee writes about it in June 27 edition of The Daily Dot. You can guess what it’s about from the post’s title “The great New York literary subtweet war of 2014.” The tale is a familiar one in this day when the Internet gives us all a forum, which we can choose to use positively or we can let our egos and baser instincts pull us down a rabbit hole of bad behavior. All around this was a sad situation. I agree with Miles Klee’s final sentence: “Let’s all try to do better, shall we?” Yes, let’s.
This week’s Glimpse comes from Daniel Cleary. In the past I’ve shared his poems “Fireside” and “More Snow” and painting was mentioned only in his biography. Most mornings when I open my FB page, I am greeted by a cheery “Good morning” and one of Dan’s paintings. So I asked him to share some here. Thanks Dan!
Peace, love, and solace
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