As I have mentioned here before, I am a crossword puzzle enthusiast, an addict really. The Chicago Tribune runs the puzzle from the Los Angeles Times syndicate and the Sun-Times runs the The New York Times puzzle (a week later than it originally appears), I still get the Trib delivered and do the puzzle each day. Usually I warm up with the Jumble. I work in pen. I time myself.
I have let my Chicago Sun-Times subscription lapse. The paper is not what it once was, and I figure I can save the dough. I buy the Friday and Saturday papers because those puzzles are best. Lately I have been shelling out six bucks for the The New York Times on Sunday. Showing up in my Facebook feed is a special for an app from The New York Times, with puzzles galore. But I prefer pen to pixels.
Anyway, I mention all this because it ties to an essay I could really relate to. It’s by our friend Lesléa Newman; it’s titled “Always a Crossword Between Us.” It appears in Lilith.
Also wanted to mention that the Chicago Book Expo is coming. It’s Saturday, November 21 and it’s at Columbia College. Here’s the link.
Now that I’ve mentioned the crossword puzzle I may have to go buy the Chicago Sun-Times and settle in to do the puzzle. Tomorrow is Open House Chicago so I will be out exploring all day.
In the meantime, I am going to leave you with some pics in hope they may work as prompts. A couple of times recently I’ve gotten the message of “almost but not quite” so here’s how that shows in my photography.
Peace, love, and solace
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