Howdy – How’s your April shaping up? Have you been celebrating poetry? Reading it? Writing it?
I got an email from Lummox Poetry Anthology #5, which is looking for work on the theme of “ism” or “isms.” Examples cited include: Alcoholism, Capitalism, Patriotism, Buddhism, Globalism, Conformism, Masochism, Regionalism, Commercialism, Pessimism, Mannerism, Egotism, Dogmatism, Realism, etc, etc.
Lummox #5 is also looking for illustrations, collages, artwork of all kinds. Guidelines can be found at this link. There you will also find info on this year’s Lummox Poetry Contest, which offers a $200 cash prize plus 40 copies of a chapbook that Lummox Press will publish for the winner, plus a mini feature in Lummox #5. There is a $15 reading fee. The winner and runners up will be selected by poet and teacher, Judith Skillman.
We just passed the deadline to submit our taxes here in the US, so Elizabeth Kerlikowske’s poem “Math Anxiety” in Autumn Sky Poetry Daily seems quite apt.
If you admire the tree that is shown in the photo above, you’ll probably enjoy reading, “Who Knew the Trees Do Math?” by Patti Wojcik Wahlberg on her blog, The Way to The Clearing. While you’re there read some of Patti’s others posts on her love for her paradise in Vermont.
“Between the sheets” is on display at Highland Park Library so I drove up there to see it. Thanks to Highland Park Library, Highland Park Poetry, and Illinois Poetry Society.
Last weekend I went on my first bird walk (thanks to Tom Lally and Birding at Bunker Hill). I saw birds but couldn’t capture them on film; I share with you’re the pictures I got.
Peace, love, and solace