Hey there sports fans! I am like many people in Chicago today — nervous, unable to concentrate, wondering about the future. And it is all because the Cubs are in the World Series, a feat that has made even the Sox fans in my household cheer for the Northsiders. Go Cubs!!
I have been remiss in letting you know what’s new with Solace in So Many Words contributors, so here’s some new info.
Patty Somlo, whose prose piece “Learning to Breathe” appeared in SISMW, has a new memoir out — it’s called Even When Trapped Behind Clouds: A Memoir of Quiet Grace. It’s published by WiDō Publishing.
Elizabeth Kerlikowske, whose poems “To Love an October Garden” and “The Industry of Sleep” appeared in SISMW, has a new chapbook, Chain of Lakes, from the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center.
T. C. Boyle, whose story “Hopes Rise” appears in SISMW, has begun his book tour for The Terranauts, which just came out from Ecco. If you’d like to see whether this book is for you, you can read an excerpt (the second chapter “Ramsay Roothoorp“) at Tom’s website.
Friend to SISMW Thomas G. Fiffer, has asked me to mention a new book by a friend of his — it’s titled King’s Daughter by Julia Bobkoff. This novel is in a competition on Inkshares. Tom explains, “If she gets enough preorders, Inkshares will give her a publishing deal. The book is incredible–the story of a Danish warrior princess–and she spent 10 years researching the history.”
BTW, Tom is Senior Editor, Ethics, at The Good Men Project, which is always open for submissions; you can find that info here.
Also open for submissions of unsolicited manuscripts is Granta. Here’s that info.
Two Sylvias Press sponsors the Wilder Series Poetry Book Prize for women older than 50; submission info is here.
You have six more days to submit to RHINO’s Founders’ Prize Contest; that info is here.
Peace, love, and solace
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