Ellen T. McKnight is a Chicago-area writer who's been a supporter of Solace in So Many Words from the beginning. "I wanted to share this picture of my recently retired horse, Skye. She and Rain touched noses the moment they met, and they've been inseparable ever since. I guess you never know when love might come into a life." Skye is the gray horse on the left and Rain is on the right. BTW, Ellen will be reading her flash fiction at the After Hours reading at … [Read more...]
Gratitude, part 2
I guess the most logical way for me to lay out my series of thank-yous is go about it chronologically. If I start at the very beginning I must start by thanking Fran Podulka, my neighbor and mentor. Soon after I moved in, I was going through a Reynolds Price phase. While searching the library stacks for his works, I came across Fran's novel The Wonder Jungle (Putnam, 1973). I read it, called her, told her I was a writer myself, and we have been friends since. Fran … [Read more...]