In 1984 Scott Colborn developed and began to host the Exploring Unexplained Phenomena radio show. The program became a reality largely due to his long-time interest in all things paranormal--which can be traced back to his childhood. Over the years, he has interviewed hundreds of guests covering a wide range of topics including extraterrestrials, big foot, spirituality, and ghosts . . . to name just a few. He recently interviewed Carol Brody Fleet about her book on … [Read more...]
Summer reading (or what contributors are up to)
Looking for something to read this summer? Everyone--Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist-- is excited about Solace in So Many Words contributor Joe Meno's new novel Office Girl. Published by Akashic Books, it is due out July 3. Ann McNeal ("Faith") has a new book too. Published by Nuthatch Press, it is called The Spaces Between. BTW, if you have attended a reading of Solace in So Many Words, chances are you have heard me read "Faith." The poem sums up a lot of my … [Read more...]
The Book Stall was swell
Many thanks to The Book Stall for hosting our celebration of Poetry Month---to Roberta Rubin for inviting us to read and especially to Amy and Gordon who worked late to accommodate us. The Book Stall has been named Publishers Weekly Bookstore of the Year and it is obvious why. The Book Stall is supportive of readers and writers alike. We had a pretty large crowd and they were a very attentive audience. We changed up our usual reading event in that we also featured … [Read more...]
Wrap up the old and unwrap the new
I've been putting off writing this blog, concentrating instead on the holidays and goofing off. But I wanted to tell you what the contributors have been up to because they have been busy. And, I wanted to tell you the latest about Solace in So Many Words even though I haven't been busy, exactly. First to tell you about my busy contributors. Arthur Powers ("Jardim Zological") emailed me back in November to say his short story "Thom" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by … [Read more...]