Hey there! I know, I know – it’s August 21 and I am writing my first post for the month—yeesh. I don’t have any excuse except that I’ve been looking for solace in this crazy world and coming up short. How about you? I am hoping you are not bogged down by reality. Back in July, I had a poem about my childhood in The Writer’s Café Magazine. The call was for submissions about landscape and maps so I sent in a poem about walking to grade school – it’s called “To … [Read more...]
Calling Chicago area poets
Hello friend. If you are a Chicago area poet you may want to check your files and see whether you have any writing on the environment. That 's because Woman Made Gallery (WMG) has a call for poems on this subject. The submission deadline is April 28 and the reading is June 11. Here are the specifics, reported verbatim: "Call for Poetry: Woman Made Gallery Literary Series Deadline: Friday, April 28 at 11:59 pm Theme: ENVIRONMENTS Reading: Sunday, June 11, 2017, … [Read more...]