Greetings. Hope your first week in the new year went splendidly. I haven't gotten much accomplished but I have been having fun. No doubt there are downsides to being so hyper-connected to the Internet and our phones. For instance, we often don't spend time in the moment. We're distracted. And it's been said we're losing the art of conversation. But I think that in a way this connectivity has driven creativity. Whether you're creating a meme or snappy Tweet or shopping … [Read more...]
Glimpse of Solace: Lisa Comperry
Big thanks and big welcome to Lisa Comperry for sharing her photos with us. I asked her for a bio and here’s her reply: “I work as a critical care / trauma nurse in the Texas Medical Center in downtown Houston. For me it is a necessity to find a good balance between work and relaxation. Photography is a favorite hobby of mine. Photography relaxes and distracts me. Currently, all of the images I have on display were shot very close to my home here in the Bay Area. I love … [Read more...]