Game Face Too I didn't realize how long he'd been wearing it until it was too late. Mom didn't believe the oncologist. She said Dad must have been poisoned. Until he outgrew it, I didn't realize how long he'd been wearing it - for all of us. Dad left his game face behind. Sometimes, I try it on for size. Sometimes, its the only thing that fits. Bonnie J. Toomey © 2015 Blogger, essayist, and columnist, Bonnie Toomey ruminates myriad issues facing … [Read more...]
My first Black Friday
Happy Black Friday. I’ve been mulling over this post; I don’t know why. Way back on the first of the month, Jim Daniel’s poem "Anthem" was featured on The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. It’s a poem that makes me think of my father. Check it out here. Thanksgiving time makes me think of him too. My father died the day after Thanksgiving in 1966. So for my post today, I’m sharing the poem I made up about him, and how I miss him. It’s my way of commemorating … [Read more...]