Long time no write. I can’t exactly say what productive thing I did do in the past two to three weeks but it has not been writing in this space. What I know about SEO (search engine optimization) could fill a thimble. I noticed my posts would not show up in Google until weeks after I uploaded them. Turns out my site failed the mobile-friendly test. I found this out when I had to renewed my domain. Thanks to Ilsa Brink, my site now has a new WordPress theme that should … [Read more...]
News and nifty
"Keep your sunny side up, up!" ("Hide the side that gets blue"). I write this to myself as well as to you. No whining. I’ve been watching Foyle’s War on Netflix and really enjoying it. It very rarely hits the wrong note; I’ve watched two seasons and only had some quibbles with the series. It’s been making me think of the sacrifices made at that time (1940s), wondering whether modern society could soldier on so. Here’s news I know. First off, big congrats to Ellen Bass … [Read more...]
Literary wanderings
Here’s where my literary curiosity has taken me lately. First, I’ve been reading some of the Lord Peter Whimsey books Dorothy L. Sayers. They’re like delicious candy but then amongst the sweet something sour and bitter surfaces, and that is the racial and religious epithets used in those days (1920s and 1930s). In one way I think it’s great we don’t use those words any more, but then I remember the Redskins. The new U.S. Poet Laureate, Charles Wright did an interview … [Read more...]