Celebrities have been making news in the poetry world. The actress Kristen Stewart (who played Bella Swan in The Twilight movies) shared one of her poems (“My Heart Is A Wiffle Ball/Freedom Pole”) with readers of Marie Claire. Critics, especially entertainment writers, pounced on it. Jenn Selby writing in The Independent called it “the worst poem of all time.” Facebook and Twitter blew up with snark. I did see one positive use for the poem; Chicago writer Kathleen Rooney … [Read more...]
Grateful for Chicago Lit scene
You may say that I am coming off a big bookfair high, and maybe I am. But this Thanksgiving I am thankful for the Chicago literary community. I am grateful to be part of a creative community where so many people are devoted to writing and working at making books. To be around literary thinkers is a heady experience—there’s a great vibe. And what is even better is that these people are nice and fun and supportive of each other. Since October I’ve been part of three … [Read more...]
Celebrating Poetry in Chicago
Chicago is a literary town. This month the focus is on poetry--there's so much to do and see and hear. Sunday, April 7 at 1:30 pm is the 16th Annual Women’s International Open reading at Woman Made Gallery, 685 N. Milwaukee. Hosted by Nina Corwin, the event will feature Xanath Caraza, Kelly Davio, Marty McConnell, Simone Muench, Amy Newman and Rita Mae Reese. Marcia Pradzinski will be reading her poetry on Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 pm at THE NEW STUDIO located at … [Read more...]