Yesterday on the local talk show from Chicago, Windy City Live, I heard it’s almost been the coldest average February in Chicago since the late 1800s or something—we’re only missing it by a degree or two. It’s a record I don’t care if we break. Ambivalence – it’s a quality I am trying to develop, especially as it applies to wanting something too much. Well, at least that’s what I think this morning. That’s because last night I read Amy Poehler’s book Yes Please and in the … [Read more...]
Submit, submit, submit
Today’s post is all about submissions. I’ve received three emails recently that may be of interest. The first news is from C. J. Laity of Chicago Poetry Press, which is pleased to announce its intention to publish Journal of Modern Poetry, Volume 15 (JOMP 15), to be released in the spring of 2013. Those selected for inclusion in the upcoming Journal of Modern Poetry 15 publication will have a chance at a featured spot to read the selected poem on the main stage of the … [Read more...]