This weekend I went to my chain supermarket (Jewel) and spent a good deal of time in the produce department staring at something. I didn’t know what it was but I got out my phone to take pictures. It was the size of a watermelon and its rind was fantastic. My mind flashed to that handsome actor Kevin McCarthy in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, that wonderful and campy 1956 movie about pod people. I tracked down the produce guy and asked what this crazy thing was. It’s … [Read more...]
Glimpse of Solace: Po-Phos?
I don't know if po-phos is a term, but it's what I'm calling these, which feature a visual image paired with text. Thanks for indulging me. Pick up the pieces and bloom again What we need- roots and wings … [Read more...]
Glimpse of solace: The Rose
This weekend I spent some time photographing flowers I purchased almost two weeks ago. The old roses captured my attention; they drew me in more than blooms in their prime. The petals were almost like skin. Today a FB post led me to "The Rose" a poem by Jean Valentine (from the book Little Boat, pubilshed in 2007 by Wesleyan University Press). The poem is copyrighted so I won't quote the whole thing here; it's the first lines that killed me. Read the entire poem at The … [Read more...]
Amy L. Dengler Memorial Poetry Contest
Some time ago I had to share the sad news that a contributor to Solace in So Many Words, Amy Dengler, who wrote "Portuguese Sweetbread" passed away. Amy lived in Gloucester, MA, and was active in Wordcrafters, a group chapter of the Massachusetts State Poetry Society. Her colleagues have started a poetry contest in her name-- here are the guidelines: Wordcrafters, a chapter of the Massachusetts State Poetry Society, has established an annual poetry contest to honor the … [Read more...]
Happy coincidences and hearty congrats
Just the other day, the contributor of two poems to Solace in So Many Words was named U.S. Poet Laureate. Of course it should come as no surprise as that contributor is none other than Philip Levine. But what a happy coincidence -- I am so proud to say that the nation's top poet is in Solace in So Many Words! Now another happy coincidence has occurred, and that is that Joan Corwin who wrote "Details" has just won the Pearl's 2010 Short Story Prize for her story "Gone … [Read more...]