“Nodding the head does not row the boat.” That’s an Irish proverb tweeted by writer/farmer Martin McConnell (@spottedgeckgo) that has stayed with me. I nod my head and say to myself that I better get to writing. How about you? Are you rowing or nodding these days? It's St. Patrick’s Day, which is a holiday around here. I know many people celebrated last Saturday when the parade marched and the river flowed green. I am not much for green beer or green tchotchkes these … [Read more...]
Writing & submission info
Hey there -- howdy do. I know it's been more than a week since I last checked in. Happy November! November is a month when we are not supposed to shave but we are supposed to write a ton. I am sure you have heard of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Here's a pithy article with pointers on how to be most productive. It's by M.G. Leonards and titled: "How to write a book --top tips for National Novel Writing Month" and it appears in the November 3 issue of The … [Read more...]
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day: Poetry Ireland, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, and Yeats
Today's focus is on the Irish, so I have listed some of my favorite literary Irish things. If you're looking for contemporary Irish poetry, there is no better journal than Poetry Ireland Review (published quarterly). A subscription also includes a bi-monthly news letter, Poetry Ireland News. Though the overseas subscription rate is rather steep, the journal never disappoints and includes reviews and essays on craft as well as contemporary Irish and international … [Read more...]
Lots to read & do: Bass, Desilets, Kerlikowske, Fermoy International Poetry Fest, Dennis O’Driscoll, and ARDOR
Contributors to Solace in So Many Words have been busy as usual. Ellen Bass who has four poems in our book ("And What If I Spoke of Despar," "Don't Expect Applause,""Jack Gottlieb's in Love," and "The Thing Is") has poems in the latest issues of The Sun and The New Yorker. "At the Padre Hotel in Bakersfield, California" which appears on page 33 the February issue of The Sun, features a "deep decolletage exposed enough for open-heart surgery." In The New Yorker, Ellen's … [Read more...]
Dennis O’Driscoll
"It is tomorrow I want to look back on, not today. Tomorrow I start to be happy; today is almost yesterday." from 'Tomorrow" by Dennis O'Driscoll, ©Dennis O’Driscoll, "Tomorrow" from New and Selected Poems (Anvil Press Poetry, Ltd.) and published in Poetry (July 1999). To read the complete poem, check the Poetry Foundation website. … [Read more...]