Hello there! It'll be just a short post today as I don't think anyone is thinking too much about writing. It's the beginning of a long weekend, the last one of summer. Already in Chicago the nights are chilly, and yesterday I saw geese fly overhead. I wonder whether this means our upcoming winter will be a fierce one. Congrats to Solace in So Many Words contributor Elizabeth Kerlikowske; the Michigan poet was just awarded the Community Medal of Arts by the Arts Council of … [Read more...]
News from contributors: Levine, Boyle, Bass, Meno, Somlo, Kirk, Bottiglieri, Beals
Solace in So Many Words contributors have been busy. Here’s a look at what they have been up to. Philip Levine has a poem “The Future” in the January 6 issue of The New Yorker, which begins this way, “The past is no more past / than the future,” and ends “but the day kept going / on and on into the future.” T. C. Boyle who released his tenth book of short stories (T. C. Boyle Stories II) in 2013 is working on a novel The Harder They Come. I'm about a half-year late … [Read more...]
Submit, submit, submit
Today’s post is all about submissions. I’ve received three emails recently that may be of interest. The first news is from C. J. Laity of Chicago Poetry Press, which is pleased to announce its intention to publish Journal of Modern Poetry, Volume 15 (JOMP 15), to be released in the spring of 2013. Those selected for inclusion in the upcoming Journal of Modern Poetry 15 publication will have a chance at a featured spot to read the selected poem on the main stage of the … [Read more...]