Writing is known to be a solitary profession. For the most part the writer has to be alone. But when it comes to critiquing your work and revising it, the voice in your head isn't always right. That's when it is particularly useful to have another's opinion, especially if this other person is a serious writer too. Then once you have a finished work and you have it published or an opportunity to read it, once again, it's nice to have other writers you can count on to be your … [Read more...]
Short story collection giveaway–you could win!
I will get better at posting every day. Lately the blog has been taking a backseat to my other duties as publisher, like working on the e-book and planning the launch and readings of Solace in So Many Words. But I can be remiss no longer, and I will now update the information on The Collection Giveaway contest, and since I missed about twenty posts, I will give you twenty reasons that show short stories are the bomb. Here's the skinny: Weighed Words is celebrating May as … [Read more...]