It’s been rainy for days here in Chicago. Fortunately I’ve had a good book to keep me occupied and which I recommend. It’s Night Hawks by Charles Johnson (Scribner, 2018). It is a collection of stories. Many of the stories start with an epigraph. The story “Welcome to Wedgewood” begins with a quote from an Associated Press news item and one from Kahlil Gibran. It is this latter one that has occupied my thoughts so I share it with you. Peace, love, and solace I … [Read more...]
Guest Blog: Joan Corwin, Nancy Megan Corwin
Today’s guest blog is by sisters: Solace in So Many Words contributor Joan Corwin and Nancy Megan Corwin who is a jewelry artist/metalsmith from the Seattle area. Each year since 2004, Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle puts on Signs of Life, a contemporary jewelry art show and companion jewelry art catalog/literary journal. The show features work by nine artists. The catalog/literary journal pairs these jewelry artists with ten writers in a unique publication. This … [Read more...]