Atone to be at one Ellen Wade Beals, thought for the day January 27, 2013 … [Read more...]
Nipsey Russell
I learned through a tweet that there may be a biography on Nipsey Russell. That's a book I'll read. A trip to Wikipedia told me that he was known as the "poet laureate of television." Here's one of his poems: Those who think of women as the weaker sex Just can't see the trees for the woods Cause no matter how loudly a rooster may crow It's the hen who delivers the goods. Nipsey Russell … [Read more...]
Wherever you go, there you are. I wasn't able to find the source for this quote. Various sites attributed it to Buddha, Confucius, Ram Dass, and anonymous. I first read it in the book by the same name by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It got to me then for its simple wisdom. … [Read more...]
Under construction
Home has been undergoing some changes lately. And by home, I mean my literal home and not the "home" page on this website. I am still happy with my home on the web, it's just been ignored lately as I have been doing some remodeling projects at my home base. When I was planning this construction I imagined myself tethered to my house but productive, you know, writing and working as lines were plumbed, tiles set and counter tops installed. But that's not the case. I have been … [Read more...]
William Sloane Coffin
The one true freedom in life is to come to terms with death, and as early as possible, for death is an event that embraces all our lives. And the only way to have a good death is to lead a good life. Lead a good one, full of curiosity, generosity, and compassion, and there's no need at the close of the day to rage against the dying of the light. We can go gentle into that good night. William Sloane Coffin, Credo … [Read more...]