Hey there. Hope all is well with you. Not too much doing in my little world. I got a couple rejections this week and also the news that my story "Amanuensis" was a finalist in the Portable Story "moment of truth" series. Congrats go to Matthew B. Kelley whose story "Daddy's Record" will be recorded and posted on the site. The next call is for writing on "fear." Maybe you have something to submit? "There are two kinds of people in this world" is a phrase you hear … [Read more...]
Happy Taxonomy Day!
I just learned that March 19 is Taxonomy Day (thanks to artist Lauren Levato Coyne). My Internet connection has been wonky lately, suffering fits and starts. So I didn't want to do a post with lots of links because it would take forever to write and post. But since I have a poem with the subtitle "Taxonomy," I'll post that instead. In 2003, it was awarded second place in The Twenty-Fifth Jo-Anne Hirshfield Memorial Poetry Awards, sponsored by the Evanston Public Library. … [Read more...]