The Green Season O sweet morning-- coffee on the patio, the Sunday Times spread between us, red geraniums in the window box, a dog at your feet. Stop, Love. Don't move. Don't even breathe. I wish us fixed this way, cups raised the green season before us. © Donna Hilbert, 2009 & 2011 This poem is used with permission and appears in The Green Season by Donna Hilbert (World Parade Books, 2011) Donna Hilbert was born in the … [Read more...]
So much to read . . .
And not enough time. But apparently I don't believe in the concept of too much to read. Since attending the AWP conference, I have expanded the number of books, chapbooks and mags in the reading pile until it is almost overwhelming, but not really (never). One thing my mother always said was: "Books are our friends." These days I have plenty of friends hanging around, and I keep asking for more. Here are the titles calling to me: "Nocturnes" by Kathleen Kirk … [Read more...]
Contributor update: Kirk, Hilbert, McConnell, Powers and more
Before I head off to downtown Chicago to the Bookfair of the AWP (Table C6 ), I'd like to give a wrap-up of some of the wonderful things the wonderful contributors to Solace in So Many Words have been up to lately. Kathleen Kirk ("The Solace of Reading: How to Survive Hormonal and Spiritual Upheavals of Midlife," "Postoponing a Response to the Fact of Mortality" and "The Heartbreak House") has a new chapbook! It is called "Nocturnes" and is hot off the presses of Hyacinth … [Read more...]