Archives for March 2013
Submit, submit, submit
Today’s post is all about submissions. I’ve received three emails recently that may be of interest. The first news is from C. J. Laity of Chicago Poetry Press, which is pleased to announce its intention to publish Journal of Modern Poetry, Volume 15 (JOMP 15), to be released in the spring of 2013. Those selected for inclusion in the upcoming Journal of Modern Poetry 15 publication will have a chance at a featured spot to read the selected poem on the main stage of the … [Read more...]
Shattered by Thomas G. Fiffer
Tom Fiffer was one of the first friends I "met" on FB, and I have been following his posts ever since. He wrote "Shattered" in response to the tragedy at Newtown, CT, and posted it on December 17 to his Tom Aplomb blog. I am grateful he is letting me reprint it here. Shattered Like glass. Those are the words I thought I heard this morning. An image of our strength and our fragility. A metaphor for strength in fragility. I pictured … [Read more...]