Susan Perry who has a great blog on creativity (Creating in Flow) at the Psychology Today site asked me to participate in a Blog Tour. It’s a way to introduce you to my writing process and two or three other creative people (I feature two). The Blog Tour asks that I answer four questions about my writing process. And I will, but let me tell you a little more about Susan Perry. She has a novel, Kylie’s Heel, and a website so be sure to visit them also. Now to the … [Read more...]
Thomas Fiffer: Clear the cache and stop the recrimination
Clear the cache and stop the recrimination This morning, after staying up extremely late writing, I heard the words "straight from the conscience" and "stop the recrimination." I don't hear voices, but I take the words that float into my head seriously. And when my conscience speaks, I listen. As I tried to divine what these phrases might mean, I also heard "clear the cache." I had cleared the cache on my laptop last night after Blogger started acting wonky. For … [Read more...]
Slice of Solace: Thomas G. Fiffer
“At signal points in our lives we find we must cross rivers where bridges do not exist yet, where the shortest, safest crossing point is anything but obvious, where our course is uncharted, where the nature of the other side is unknown, and where we know there is no going back.” Thomas G. Fiffer from “Rubicons” … [Read more...]
Shattered by Thomas G. Fiffer
Tom Fiffer was one of the first friends I "met" on FB, and I have been following his posts ever since. He wrote "Shattered" in response to the tragedy at Newtown, CT, and posted it on December 17 to his Tom Aplomb blog. I am grateful he is letting me reprint it here. Shattered Like glass. Those are the words I thought I heard this morning. An image of our strength and our fragility. A metaphor for strength in fragility. I pictured … [Read more...]
Tom Fiffer “A Measure of Understanding”
As many of you may have known (or guessed since I haven't updated the site in so long), I have been away on a vacation. How to nice to be halfway around the world and know that someone is thinking of you. That is what happened when I was in Thailand and received a note from Tom Fiffer. You may know Tom as TomAplomb (his blog). That's how I got to know him. Tom shares sentiments and insights and he was the first blogger to promote Solace in So Many Words. I encourage you to … [Read more...]