I Believe in a Mother’s Love
A tribute to Helen and Catherine
I believe in a Mother’s love.
I believe in her strong bond
with the gentleness of a dove.
Of my Mother’s tenderness I am so fond.
I believe there is no understanding like a
Mother’s that can anywhere be found,
Or a voice with a kinder, sweeter sound.
I believe in my Mother’s strength,
that’s what helps me get through those tough days.
I believe she is still with me in many ways.
It is for her strength I continue to pray.
Sometimes we talk at great length
about our busy lives, children, our dreams.
At times though, all those things can make us want to scream.
But then sweet memories of Mom’s hugs and kisses we gleam,
and once again makes life all “peaches and cream.”
I believe my Mother’s soul is blessed.
I know my Mother’s soul is at rest.
But I believe I will always carry her in my heart.
She’s the one that would always give me a fresh start
no matter if I acted dumb or smart.
I believe in my Mother’s love.
I also believe in God above.
I believe because I call on them.
I believe because only they can help me mend.
My tired heart and soul they do befriend.
© Laura Thill Murray, 2014
Laura Thill Murray writes: “I have been writing my whole life. I studied communication in college but I don’t have a degree. I have taken some writing classes through the years as well. I write mostly poems, some short stories for kids and young adults. The poems vary but mostly they are poem/stories about people and my observations of them and their peculiar characteristics (as I see them), and I put it in a funny rhyme and give it to them as a gift….kinda like a singing telegram without the music!”
She also designs jewelry; check out her FB page: Laura’s Creations.
This poem is about Laura’s mother (Helen) who passed away May 18, 1982 and for her friend Vicki’s mother (Catherine).
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