Solace in So Many Words got a terrific write-up in ForeWord Reviews. Reviewer Chris Fisher called the book ”a beautiful quilt of essays, stories, and poems.” As always, my thanks goes to the contributors for letting me use their material.
Here’s a highlight: “There are two common threads that tie together the book’s contributed pieces. First, each writer dares to bear his or her soul in an honest, sometimes brutally revealing manner. Second, the quality or artfulness of the prose and poetry is remarkable, each engaging and telling in its own unique way.”
Specifically mentioned are works by Antler, T. C. Boyle and Jayant Kamicheril. The review concludes: “Solace in So Many Words . . . only needs to be opened (even randomly) for it to provide comfort during life’s most trying moments. Through shared experiences and anecdotes, her book delivers hope and love, perhaps two of the most important, irrational human emotions in terms of surviving, processing, and navigating life.”
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