As you may remember, Amy L. Dengler, a contributor to Solace in So Many Words, passed away, and her poetry pals have started a contest in her memory. Here are the details. Amy Dengler Memorial Poetry Contest Wordcrafters, a Chapter of M.S.P.S., Inc. invites poets to enter its annual poetry contest in memory of Amy L. Dengler, accomplished poet of the North Shore writing community. The contest is open to all adults. Prizes will be awarded for … [Read more...]
Amy L. Dengler Memorial Poetry Contest
Some time ago I had to share the sad news that a contributor to Solace in So Many Words, Amy Dengler, who wrote "Portuguese Sweetbread" passed away. Amy lived in Gloucester, MA, and was active in Wordcrafters, a group chapter of the Massachusetts State Poetry Society. Her colleagues have started a poetry contest in her name-- here are the guidelines: Wordcrafters, a chapter of the Massachusetts State Poetry Society, has established an annual poetry contest to honor the … [Read more...]
from “Funeral” by Amy L. Dengler
"But what if there is no hunger, if hunger is what it is to be alive? Surely, some grace steps in." From her poem "Funeral" in her chapbook At the Corner of Lost and Found. … [Read more...]
Gatsby Books in Long Beach–sublime!
Our trip to Long Beach was a definite success and a blast to boot. The reading at Gatsby Books went well as we suspected it would since Sean Moor, who owns Gatsby Books, and Alisha Attell, who coordinates the events there, were so enthusiastic about our coming to read there. Thanks to Sean and Alisha for their warm welcome and hot promotion! The bookstore was packed. The reading was kicked off by Donna Hilbert who is not only well-known but also well-admired in the poetry … [Read more...]
Amy L. Dengler
In preparing for our event in Long Beach, I suggested each of the poets read another poem from Solace in So Many Words in addition to their own. Donna Hilbert told me she wanted to read "Portuguese Sweet Bread," for two reasons. First, she has a Portuguese daughter-in-law and has tasted the bread on many occasions, and secondly, it is a dynamite poem. The mention of Amy L. Dengler's name made me remember that my last emails to her had bounced back. So on the Thursday … [Read more...]