Before I head off to downtown Chicago to the Bookfair of the AWP (Table C6 ), I'd like to give a wrap-up of some of the wonderful things the wonderful contributors to Solace in So Many Words have been up to lately. Kathleen Kirk ("The Solace of Reading: How to Survive Hormonal and Spiritual Upheavals of Midlife," "Postoponing a Response to the Fact of Mortality" and "The Heartbreak House") has a new chapbook! It is called "Nocturnes" and is hot off the presses of Hyacinth … [Read more...]
Wrap up the old and unwrap the new
I've been putting off writing this blog, concentrating instead on the holidays and goofing off. But I wanted to tell you what the contributors have been up to because they have been busy. And, I wanted to tell you the latest about Solace in So Many Words even though I haven't been busy, exactly. First to tell you about my busy contributors. Arthur Powers ("Jardim Zological") emailed me back in November to say his short story "Thom" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by … [Read more...]
Contributor Updates — Somlo, Donahoo, Powers
Hello everybody. With the temperatures spiking, the word for the day is: languorous. But I know even in this heat you can manage to read a story, and if you read any story today, check out Patty Somlo's "Resistors" in the latest issue Hamilton Stone Review. It is a stunner. And you won't go to a dinner party again without thinking about it. (BTW, Patty wrote "Starting to Breathe" in Solace in So Many Words.) H\s T H E H A M I L T O N S T O N E R E V I E W … [Read more...]