I know it’s been a while. Here’s some news. Kathleen Kirk has two poems and “If I Were the Cherry Wood Piano” and "The Body" in the latest issue of Rose Red Review. On April 16, Donna Hilbert’s poem “Gravity” was published on the Silver Birch site. As I mentioned before, a photograph I took ("Cold Heart") is the cover for the latest issue of Vine Leaves Literary Journal. This paragraph on the journal’s submission page will let you know what the publication is … [Read more...]
Contributor Updates — Somlo, Donahoo, Powers
Hello everybody. With the temperatures spiking, the word for the day is: languorous. But I know even in this heat you can manage to read a story, and if you read any story today, check out Patty Somlo's "Resistors" in the latest issue Hamilton Stone Review. It is a stunner. And you won't go to a dinner party again without thinking about it. (BTW, Patty wrote "Starting to Breathe" in Solace in So Many Words.) H\s T H E H A M I L T O N S T O N E R E V I E W … [Read more...]