Lately I have been thinking about prayers and the Higher Power. It’s a recurring subject for me. Have you ever been fortunate enough to have someone sincerely tell you, “I’ll keep you in my prayers” or “I’ll be praying for you.”? Has anyone ever suggested you should pray about a problem? Or, have you noticed associates on FB asking for prayers for an ailing relative? Sometimes the request is prefaced with an affirmation like “I believe in the power of prayer.” Do … [Read more...]
December readings — don’t forget!
Hey there - We have two upcoming gigs in December and a newly announced gig in January at Wilmette Public Library. Here are all the details! This Monday, December 5, at 7 pm at Evanston Public Library, Main branch, Community meeting room, Evanston writers Susan Spaeth Cherry, Joan Corwin, Carol Kanter, Paula W. Peterson and Pat Rahmann along with editor Ellen Wade Beals and other contributors such as Pamela Miller, J. Scott Smith, and Kathleene Donahoo and D. J. Lachance … [Read more...]