It has come to my attention that I gave out the incorrect address for our reading -- The Book Stall's address is 811 Elm Street. Here is the corrected announcment: Celebrate Poetry Month with Solace! April 10, 2012, Tuesday at 7:30 The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, 811 Elm Street, Winnetka 847-446-8880 There are more than 50 poems in Solace in So Many Words by poets like Antler, Philip Levine, Ellen Bass . . .so, please join editor Ellen Wade Beals and … [Read more...]
Tuesday, April 10 at The Book Stall
I've been working on email problems all day so I wanted to remember how beautiful spring is (hence, the photo) and I want to remind you of our next reading event (hence, the following announcement). Celebrate Poetry Month with Solace! April 10, 2012, Tuesday at 7:30 The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, 566 Chestnut Street, Winnetka 847-446-8880 There are more than 50 poems in Solace in So Many Words by poets like Antler, Philip Levine, Ellen Bass . . .so, please join … [Read more...]
Celebrate Poetry Month with us at Book Stall in Winnetka
I went to a reading of "A Light Breakfast" a unique collection that is edited by Arlyn Miller and features a sackful of great poems including ones by Solace in So Many Words contributor Carol N. Kanter ("Her Best Medicine," "Alternative Eulogy," "The Advanced Course"). I was lucky enough to meet with Roberta Rubin, owner of The Book Stall (and friend to books, readers and small presses) and I just so happened to have a copy of Solace in So Many Words to show her. So, … [Read more...]
Listen to this!
When we read Solace in So Many Words on December 11, 2011 at Woman Made Gallery, we were recorded for the Chicago Amplified series and our reading is now up at the WBEZ site for your listening pleasure. You will hear Nina Corwin, me, Kathleen Kirk, Pamela Miller, Joan Corwin, Kathleene Donahoo, Carol Kanter, D. J. Lachance, J. Scott Smith. In addition to works by the contributors present, we also read the work of Elizabeth Kerlikowske, Jodi Kanter, Jan Bottiglieri, … [Read more...]
December readings . . .
It's hard to know where to begin with all the news about Solace in So Many Words so I will start by reporting on the latest readings, which were held last week. On Monday, December 5 we read at Evanston Public Library. My thanks go to Russell Johnson of Readers' Services and Lesley Williams, Director of Adult Services, at Evanston Public Library. As has been the case at other readings, I forgot to take pictures though the camera was sitting in my bag. About 30 people … [Read more...]