I gotta lotta reasons for not writing the blog recently. Summer is ending. A household project is starting. The conventions are on. But you know the real reason is that sometimes I am just lazy. But contributors to Solace in So Many Words haven't been lazy. T. C. Boyle has a story "Birnam Wood" in The New Yorker (September 2, 2012 issue). Joe Meno is interviewed in TriQuarterly (June 17, 2012). Philip Levine has a poem "How to Get There" in February issue of Poetry, and … [Read more...]
Short story collection giveaway–you could win!
I will get better at posting every day. Lately the blog has been taking a backseat to my other duties as publisher, like working on the e-book and planning the launch and readings of Solace in So Many Words. But I can be remiss no longer, and I will now update the information on The Collection Giveaway contest, and since I missed about twenty posts, I will give you twenty reasons that show short stories are the bomb. Here's the skinny: Weighed Words is celebrating May as … [Read more...]