Hello everybody. With the temperatures spiking, the word for the day is: languorous. But I know even in this heat you can manage to read a story, and if you read any story today, check out Patty Somlo's "Resistors" in the latest issue Hamilton Stone Review. It is a stunner. And you won't go to a dinner party again without thinking about it. (BTW, Patty wrote "Starting to Breathe" in Solace in So Many Words.) H\s T H E H A M I L T O N S T O N E R E V I E W … [Read more...]
Contributors news 4-30 Meno, Bass, Somlo
Check out The Chicago Reader "Spring Books: Homages" feature articles in which five Chicago novelists write about the books and writers that inspired them. Joe Meno writes about Kurt Vonnegut and Slaughterhouse-Five in the article, “Vonnegut’s Disciple: Slaughterhouse-Five gave Joe Meno a path to The Great Perhaps.” The other articles in the series on Chicago writers are: “Finding Thomas McGuane: Luis Alberto Urrea discovered a master in beat-up paperbacks;” “A Chelsea of … [Read more...]